Tasting Summary: 2019-0920


Hosted by: Steve and Robin

Our fifth anniversary tasting! Featuring Yellow and Green Chartreuse, and a comparison of cocktails that can be made from each.


A history of Chartreuse and all of the recipes are here.

Here are individual recipes:

  • Aide Memoir
  • Amber Dream
  • Carthusian Sazerac
  • Chartreus'ito
  • Negroni
  • Sazerac

    Cocktails Tasted:

    Cocktail or Liqueur Major Ingredients Notes
    Aide Memoire Yellow Chartreuse, Vermouth, Prosecco
    Yellow Chartreuse
    Green Chartreuse
    Amber Dream Gin, Vermouth, Yellow Chartreuse Compare to the Negroni
    Negroni Gin, Vermouth, Campari
    Carthusian Sazerac Rye, Green Chartreuse, Suger, Absinthe Rinse Compare to Sazerac
    Sazerac Rye, Sugar, Bitters, Absinthe Rinse
    Chartreus'ito Green Chartreuse, Mint, Sugar, Lime, Sparkling Water